Saturday, September 20, 2008
Notes on Scriptwriting
The latest lesson for Scriptwriters is here. :)
(will prob back-post it in case the link doesn't work)
rmb, next date is 26 Oct!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
next meeting should be 21 Sept: 1-3.30pm, L3R1
pray for Pete, who's been enlisted for a few days at this writing..
i owe everyone resources and the scriptwriting writeup from last time-- hope it'll be up before too long.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Notes on Scriptwriting
-it starts from a relationship with God thru Christ and the truth about God and the world we live in. Inevitably our convictions shape the stories we tell.
-so it’s important to abide in Christ and build our convictions on Biblical truth.
-this is why we are a fellowship, not a writers’ guild.
What?—what kind of scripts can I write?
Why?—what am I trying to achieve?
Where?—what resources can I use?
How?—how exactly should I go about it?
When?—what are upcoming events?
Many forms of theatre:
u the radio play e.g. “The Man Born To Be King”
u readers theatre
u chorus/recitation e.g. “Crowded Christmas”
u dialogue/cross-talk (like xiangsheng) e.g. “Christmas Jesus/Easter Jesus”
u dramatised reading e.g. any Bible reading
u skit/sketch e.g. “Telling It Like It Is”
u narrated/mimed illustration e.g. “The Window Washer Mime”, “Hands”, “Work Eat Sleep”
u play e.g. “Murder in the Cathedral”, “Jeremiah”
u musical e.g. “The Promise”, “Love Above All”
Two clear objectives:
1. to evangelise
a) illustrate the gospel in simple terms to e.g. children or on mission trips where language might be a barrier. e.g. The Door, Hands
b) challenge and provoke thought. Question worldviews and assumptions. E.g. films from the Parable Project, Work Eat Sleep
2. to edify
a) comfort—remind people about God’s love & kingdom & purposes
b) affirm—the truth about the Bible—statements and incidents
c) illustrate/teach/explain—drive home a point, as what happened in 2 Samuel 12. Or put parables and teachings in context to avoid misinterpretation/clear up the misconceptions people have.
l Every story ought to link back to the cross of Christ; it should be central esp. if it’s evangelistic.
l In everything as with this work—it’s not our own wit or talent that does it, it’s God’s enabling. So we should depend on Him at every step.
l Do not assume listeners are Christian even if it’s held in church. Some children may not yet have put their faith in Christ; some non-Christians can be visiting or seeking to know more, and even Christians can get annoyed if we are insensitive in our portrayal of people or issues. Gentleness and respect.
l Make sure all assumptions and worldviews are based firmly on the Bible, not our cultural influence. For instance, is Christmas all about opening presents in a warm glow of light?
l If we are going to write about serious/major life events—like death, marriage, cancer and being orphaned— make sure it’s realistic and sensitive. There will be people in the audience who have experienced these things, and they will probably not be impressed by shallow, stereotypical portrayals. If one has to write of such things, try reading memoirs or talking to someone who has gone through it (and doesn’t mind discussing the subject lah). Fortunately for us, they say the most significant life event that could happen is believing in Christ and knowing God! (can anyone tell me the Scriptural basis for that statement?)
Where? (Sources)
l Existing scripts—Christian and secular (library and internet, and our own script pool if we can compile it)
When you find a script, ask yourself—
What is the message?
Is the message Biblical? Will it edify/evangelise? What is the take-home message? Does it build people up in Christ? E.g. the dialogue: Elijah and the prophets of Baal
Is the presentation good/interesting? If not, can I take the idea and adapt it?
l Books—Christian books/biographies/memoirs/studies give us background info and context and understanding of issues and people.
l Sermons and messages—you know how sometimes pastors use illustrations and stories in their sermons? Online messages like those from Ravi Zacharias Ministries can help in illuminating the issues too.
l THE BIBLE!! And commentaries/study guides can be useful because they help us understand the passage and apply it.
l Personal lessons/funny or sad or meaningful experiences/dilemmas
How? (to prepare :P)
1. What is the subject/theme/event? (Mooncake Festival Puppet show? Children’s Item? Outreach for youths?)
2. Target audience (Children? Adults? Christian? Non-Christian? Skeptics?)
3. time available (for preparation and actual performance time)
4. cast/resources available (gospel recounts tend to need more guys in the cast, lighting and stage), costumes/props…
When? Upcoming events
Sunday sermon Children’s Item! Upcoming: (need not be on the sermon topic)
26 Oct (Daniel 4-5)
30 Nov (Daniel 12, The End Times)
21 Dec (year end sermon)
Tuition min—School-term Fridays 8ish pm
BB/GB min has storytelling time every Saturday at 9am.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
next meeting
just to recap, here is the list of stuff we were to go thru (ignore the dates heh):
15/6 Performance Basics
22/6 Voice Training
29/6 Elements of Storytelling
6/7 Stories of the Bible
13/7 Interaction and Cooperation onstage and off
27/7 Getting Ideas (plots and characters)
3/8 Getting into Character
10/8 Making a Point: Evangelism and Drama
17/8 review: Videos
24/8 review: Scripts
31/8 Writing Lab/Improv Practice
i think we haven't done the stuff in bold yet. here's the thing: given the lack of time left for leisurely training, we were thinking this is what we'll do in future sessions: actors go with pete, scriptwriters come with me or brainstorm on your own, basically to practise acting/writing separately. any suggestions or ideas let us know!
Monday, August 18, 2008
yet to be confirmed.
just checking-- does Christabel or Marilyn read this? reply if you do, so i can upload scanned docs of the scripts i wanted to pass you xP
i hope to post an updated list of what we're going to teach in the weeks ahead (September is coming much sooner than i had wanted it to) Your opinion-- what would you like to learn/do? pls tag or post if you have ideas :)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Skip to my Lou!
First of, how's things over there? Or are you back already? Nvm, everyone say hi to Lois!
Everyone: HI!!!!!!! *Fart*
Anyways, ya this Aug 31 i've entrusted to two happy volunteers to write the script for: Marilyn and Cristabel (on my phone book, becos i dunno how to spell, her name is "Crystalbell")
Since it's a children's talk, and it's on Teacher's Day, its kinda obvious we should do something on Teacher's Day. So we're waiting for them to come up with some ideas and we'll talk more on Sunday. Like i said, don't need to come up with anything concrete yet, just discuss. But if your on fire and have done so, by all means.
The following are our other dates for Children's Talk:
26-Oct, 30 Nov and 21 Dec.
On other news: Yee Qing and Priscilla has officially joined us as... actors right? Right. So ya.
Oh we also went through homework for the girls team and let me say again, you guys did well, and im proud of ya.
I liked: Your enthusiasm and how you tried to bring out the characters.
Things to work on: Stage awareness (how you move, stand, etc), and voice PROJECTION!!!
Next week is Who Died auditions so don't have meeting, next time is Herman the German and Elijah the Prop's turn to present.
Oh ya, finally, Terence has approached me to put up a skit for the Princess Elizabeth Boys Brigade, and I said yes!!!
... You cool with that? :)
He's gonna give me a date and topic soon, so hold on to your armchairs.
Until then!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
In conjunction with TheatreWorks 24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2008 to be held from 2 to 3 Aug at the Eurasian Community house, Dr Robin Loon, Associate Artistic Director (Writers' Lab) will talk on "How to write a play in 24 hours" at:
Venue: Marine Parade Community Library, Activity Room Level 2, 278 Marine Parade Road Date: 19 July 2008, Saturday Time: 3pm to 4.30pm
Venue: Bedok Community Library, Programme Zone, 21 Bedok North Street 1 Date: 20 July 2008, Sunday Time: 3pm to 4.30pm
Interested participants should register for the talks by tel 63198724 or 63198739 or email These talks are presented by South East Community Development Council (CDC) in partnership with the National Arts Council (NAC) and National Library Board (NLB), as part of South East District Arts Festival 2008 - ARTXpressions efforts to promote a culture of arts appreciation in the heartlands.
PS: Registration for the 24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2008 closes on 20 July 2008. If you are interested to participate in the competition, and have not done so, you may also register for it after the talk.
Sounds really good... but i know it's kinda short notice, so i'll just see the response first. Otherwise, it's business as usual this sunday. Oh, there is meeting this sunday, in case you dunno.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
scriptwriters particularly, check this out as a resource (blueletterbible!)
-parables in the Old and New Testaments
-harmony of the Gospels
-symbols in the Bible and what they mean
-chronology and genealogy aka people and how long they lived
in addition to being useful for context and understanding Bible events if you're dramatising things, they're also fun to read :)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Get it all here--->
Hope the link works...
Monday, June 16, 2008
perform this script at the meeting (for now, that's 29 June) in two weeks' time. Here are the teams again:
Alena, Hazel and Marilyn
Herman, Elijah and Jerome
Shuin Jan and Xin Yan, because Greg is unable to commit, you may use me (Pete) as your third actor. Or lois if she's agreeable. (she is, quite :b)
for scriptwriters:
choose 3 (at least 1!) stories from the Bible that appeal to you, and summarise what happens, in 3 lines, for each. if you choose more than one, try to vary the types of story (: e.g. historical epic/battle, historical personal account, friendship, revenge, parable. Do not take too much artistic license, like inventing hair colour :b have fun!
soundbite: "I'm XY*. No, actually, I'm Fernando Torres!!!!!" -delivers impressive flying kick that someone who knows about football should specify a name for-
*name abbreviated to protect privacy since nobody knows what XY stands for
Sunday, June 15, 2008
what happened today
Devotion, on acting and serving:
When we act, we show others what a person was like, what he did, the kind of person he was. We imitate mannerisms and actions and ways of talking so that people get a clearer picture of this person.
So to truly act well, we have to know a lot about the person we are imitating. We have to understand his character and values, his motivations and concerns.
As Christians we're supposed to imitate God (Ephesians 5:1-2). for instance: the way He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. (Luke 6:27-36)
Why are we to imitate God? Because He is our Father. Just as a child imitates her parents in learning to walk, to talk, to brush her teeth (:D), so we are "growing up in every way into Him who is the Head, into Christ" (Eph 4:15). When God redeemed us He also made us new creations in Christ. As we behold God's glory that we see in Christ, we ourselves are transformed! (2 Corinthians 3:12-18)
What is the point of all this transformation? I felt that the passage in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 explains it. Being made in the image of God and given new life in Christ where once we were dead in sin, Christ transforms us, reconciles us to God, even makes us messengers of that reconciliation. When we act like Christ we show other people, we testify, of the grace and truth that is found in Him. This transformation in us comes from God and is none of our own goodness.
As we begin serving God in this ministry, no matter where it goes or how it develops, let's first consider the example Jesus set us in serving, in obedience to God, that we may walk as He walks.
In the week(s) ahead, may we keep our eyes on Christ, on knowing Him through the things He said and did and commanded, and making Him known. Acting as Christ would, walking and loving people as He does, should not be a forced act or show; it is something we grow up into as naturally as a seed sprouts, or as a vine bears fruit. It is God, our Creator, who does this.
behind and before
15/6 Performance Basics
22/6 Voice Training
29/6 Elements of Storytelling
6/7 Stories of the Bible
13/7 Interaction and Cooperation onstage and off
27/7 Getting Ideas (plots and characters)
3/8 Getting into Character
10/8 Making a Point: Evangelism and Drama
17/8 review: Videos
24/8 review: Scripts
31/8 Writing Lab/Improv Practice
and here is a list of some previous scripts
Luke 11 on prayer
Skit on prayer
Honouring parents
I think Pete has more somewhere...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
what happened today
in order:
-prayer and intro
-vision and mission
-commitment and timing of meetings
-structure of meetings
-roles in team
-areas of outreach
-action plan
-closing prayer time (:
minutes are here, and the next meeting is 15 June 2.30-4pm, which is hopefully also the recruitment for YAFers during combined fellowship.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
meeting on mon, and other things
1. direction, mission, vision
2. action plan for next half/year
3. roles in team and requirements
4. when to meet the team
5. agenda for team meeting
6. why this blog exists
7. dinner
btw, have been listening to radio drama online! i notice i tend to take the easy way out when doing drama--like dramatised Bible readings and radio drama (which eliminates the danger of awkward/lame acting and props and lighting and all that)... i think it's because i'm not as comfortable writing stageplays. Check out "Down Gilead Lane" and aaah the voiced Narnia series heh. anyway. more mon (:
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
my first post...
Anyways i've gotta admit i'm still super lost...
It looks like a communication blog between the both of you.
With the blog title, i suppose, you gonna let out part of the script or something on this blog before your audience get to see it? Or is it like an archieval thing, reaching out to those who are web surfing freaks? Or mayb its an advertising form?
The features of these blog will have to base on your purpose, can't comment cause i'm not sure whats this blog for... If its just for communication and comments, i think this is sufficient? Mayb you wanna add a mailing list, so you can update people when there are events and stuff? You can find a mailing list counter on the search engine for free.
Anyway i see kids!!! I'm good with kids!
ok randomness (as i can see from all the posts!)
Anyways need help shout out!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Had a chat wif pastors razo and james today. Told em aboot our plans for sunday services AND they've scheduled us for every last sunday's children slot. So they'll be sending us the pulpit themes then we can get rrrrready toooo rummbbblllleeeeeeee.... For God!
Also discussed with pastor james aboot other plans (MI, tuition min, etc). They are very keen on it and has also mentioned the bukit batok and jurong west PCS child care to look into.
Prob talked about other things too, can't really remember, but will shout out when i do.
On other news! Mooncake, mooncake, mooncake! (Insert worried face emoticon) OK i'm kidding, i'm level headed, calm, yes i'm so calm, so calm... SO VERY CALM!!!!
I'm calm.
I'm doing it right now. Thrashing something out so we can screw-the-nice it. Wow, I amaze me.
This has been Peter's evil twin, signing out.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
as part of my plan to make ppl think that Pete is a distracted genius (or just distracted), i will comment point by point on his post instead of replying here. top secret, don't tell anyone.
For now! what other features can we add to this blog before we start linking it up to public?
will prob only go online again on thurs ahaha see you
T-t-t-t-t-third Post!!!
1) Is this related to an up-and-coming sermon topic, or do we just wanna add this to our portfolio of scripts?
Yes it is-- scroll down the page and look at the left hand column xP Triunphal Entry!
2) It definitely needs modification. Too Americano.
Ya i quite agree. by Bounty do they mean the candy bar??
3) Sidney in a word is: OBNOXIOUS. Makes one (me) want to run him through a wood chipper... (mmmmmmmmm, nice...). Anyway, ya, sick fantasies aside, if we wanna make a remake of this dialogue, we gotta make a less obnoxious Sid, agree agree?
oh but it's so perfect for you!----yes actually i think we need to remake it quite extensively... what i hope is that the audience will be able to see the significance of the Triumphal Entry in terms of the King coming into His own; b/g info like 1. the Roman Occupation that followed three other foreign occupations for like 400 years 2. why in the world they want to wave palm leaves 3. what hosanna means.
Anyways, let's keep the ideas a-bouncing in regards to the Mooncake script. What's the deadline btw?
ahahaa. it's soon! can you upload the shadow puppet thing, if it's not copyrighted? i think they want the script by end april super latest and preferably by mid april. Want to send them the (more or less) finalised plotlines? or are they with me :b
second post!!! :b
Luke 11:1-13!
next up-
fear, and the triumphal entry.
wanna do modified dialogue for triumphal, as i mentioned? or any other ideas?
the link again:
waiting for this place to accumulate more intelligent sounding posts before i link the yfers to it :b :b any suggestions for brainstorming ideas Pea?
finally, a reminder for us all:
Colossians 3
Rules for Holy Living
1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
First Post!!!!
Well, nothing much to say yet, but thought i could make some noise.
Ya i'm going to talk to you about this anyways on sat, but to fill up space:
Haha, ya. That's the gist of what I wanna discuss wit ya tmr (or today, seeing as it's already, erm, today).
Right! I'm done! Over to you now!
To everyone else, whoever you may be: Don't let this uppity post unsettle you. We are 90% of the time serious of churning out good skits/plays for our beloved Jesus. Right, lou? Lou?