Monday, June 16, 2008


for actors:

perform this script at the meeting (for now, that's 29 June) in two weeks' time. Here are the teams again:

Alena, Hazel and Marilyn

Herman, Elijah and Jerome

Shuin Jan and Xin Yan, because Greg is unable to commit, you may use me (Pete) as your third actor. Or lois if she's agreeable. (she is, quite :b)


for scriptwriters:

choose 3 (at least 1!) stories from the Bible that appeal to you, and summarise what happens, in 3 lines, for each. if you choose more than one, try to vary the types of story (: e.g. historical epic/battle, historical personal account, friendship, revenge, parable. Do not take too much artistic license, like inventing hair colour :b have fun!


soundbite: "I'm XY*. No, actually, I'm Fernando Torres!!!!!" -delivers impressive flying kick that someone who knows about football should specify a name for-

*name abbreviated to protect privacy since nobody knows what XY stands for

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